Open? Innovation? We deleoped a business model to bring optical manufacturing into the modern age. What if customers would be allowed to do their own optical design, saving their models for others to see, and thus reduce the complexity of projects in illumination and lighting?
The business model allows the manufacturing base to sign up for making optics, offering machine capacity. The owner of the website solves two serious customer problems: time and money. The optical designs are automatically transferred to the machines, and can be made overnight. The cost of optical design projects is reduced drastically, but so is the work required to fulfil them.
The business model creates value for the customer and for the supply side. Most important of all, money is generated by offering a fast and reasonable priced service to the community. Markets potentially open for generic optical designs.
Open Innovation is a concept of Henry Chesbrough (2006,
Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively. [This paradigm] assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.
We call this Individual Light.
Malaria is the most deadly of all diseases. CytoScience, ffOptik and leopil are developing an automated, sturdy, and cost-effective microscope that can reliably detect Malaria and other parasites.
We are looking for ways to bring to success this technology. Are you a philanthropist willing to donate 20,000 units? It is an investment. Please contact me at, or +, for more information.